
The Mere Exposure Effect and Your Job Search

The mere exposure effect (known as the Familiarity Principle) is the psychological phenomenon whereby the more you see or hear something, the more you like it (demonstrated in a 1992 study published in the Journal of…

How To Create Powerful Resume Statements

In my recent post, I took you through unpacking your career achievements using the CARBs method. I wanted to follow this up as many people struggle with then turning these ‘stories’ into power packed but…

Your Resume needs CARBs

No, not the delicious pasta or bread varieties... CARBS are the bullet points within your career experience that detail; CHALLENGES Faced ACTIONS Taken RESULTS Attained BENEFITS To the company/team/customer One of the most common mistakes…

How to Handle Job Rejection

"We regret to inform you..." Five of the most disheartening words we’ll see or hear, and we know how it ends. Foetal position, screaming ‘WHYYYYYY??’. No, just me? But in all seriousness, we’ve all heard…

Quick Tips to Jazz up your Cover Letter

‘Should I write a cover letter? Do Cover Letters ACTUALLY get read?’ There are some recruiters that just don’t read cover letters. They’re going straight to the meat that is your professional experience listed on…

Updating Your Resume for a Career Change

Three million Australians are planning a post-pandemic career change, making the jump into a completely different field. Whether spurred by job insecurity or the discovery of a new skill during isolation down time, ING’s Future…

My Top 5 Resume Tips

As we head into the new year (come on 2021, play nice please!) we’re often reflecting on and re-evaluating many areas of our life, including what we want from our careers. It’s the perfect time…